The World of Rhythm Part II


Click Here for World of Rythym Part I

And now, to answer last weeks question: How does having a rhythm to our days help me stop living in C.H.A.O.S.? (Can’t Have Anyone Over Syndrome) There are a few different reasons.

One.  I actually have cleaning planned into my day!  I know, it’s crazy.  But I’ve found that if I am planning on cleaning the Kitchen and Living Room on Saturday, it gets done.  I plan other things around it and that makes sure I have a block of time to do said cleaning!  I’ve also noticed that I plan ahead-such as making sure the house is tidy  on Friday night so that I don’t spend my time when I’m supposed to be cleaning the kitchen and bathrooms tidying other rooms.  Now, whether the afore mentioned rooms stay cleaned until Monday is another matter. 

Two.  It (meaning rythym, or at least thinking and reading about rythym) has helped me come to peace with my daily routines (or tedious chores as I usually call them).  Here is a quote from the book Heaven on Earth by Sarifa Oppenheimer that shows what I mean.  “A major way we show our children that we value them is in undertaking the never-ending round of “caring” activities life requires.  It is not only in housekeeping and the preparation of food, in the arranging of the flow of life, but it is primarily though our inner attitude that we show love.  It is not just what we do; it is who we are, in the doing of the things, that speaks volumes to our children.  This is love made visible.”  I love this quote because it helps me step back away from the sometimes mundane and unpleasant tasks I do as a wife and mother and realize WHY I am doing these things.  It IS love made visible.  I do these things because I love my husband and my children.  I want our home to be a refuge from the world, and all the things I do from cooking & cleaning to organizing & washing clothes work towards that goal.  It is remembering this as I am doing (and teaching) these “caring” activities that helps me to have a better attitude and enjoy the task at hand.

So for the past month I have been striving to plan cleaning into my day and keep in mind that I am doing it because I love my family.  I have also been trying to show my enjoyment of my daily tasks so that my children will want to join in or at least see that I am taking pleasure in my role.  In that, however, I do better somedays than others.  The other day I was talking to my husband on the phone telling him how I had been cleaning ALL MORNING.  Then I noticed my 5 yr. old watching me and added “It’s been so MUCH FUN!”  “nu-uh, mom!”  she said.  “You’re JOKING”.  So I’ll keep trying on that.

2 responses »

  1. You’re so right. Sigh. I’d get much more done if I actually planned my days. I’m sure the little one would be happier as well. I’d probably be able to plan in things I want to do as well that I never get to do because cleaning comes first and cleaning never gets done! Hmmm……

  2. Ah. I actually read this last Monday, but my week has been hectic! I remember deciding to clean for myself, but I like your paradigm more. “For love” is always a better reason! You go, girl!

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